We spent the last two and a half days hanging out in El Bolson, a small hippy town surrounded by fertile valley (good for organic farming) in the Argentine lake district. We camped, did some day hikes, ate alot of berries along the trail, checked out some water holes for swimming, tried as many flavors of helado and locally brewed beer as we could stand, and shopped at the district feria artesanal. El Bolson is a city of buena onda, good vibes (except the robbery of the beloveed whisperlite). Today we are headed out to cross the border back into Chile following a path that the locals recommend which involves ferries and trails past the frontera...we´ll let you know how it went in a few days:) Peace, love, and sweet dreams in the meantime.
Day hike to cabeza del indio, a wind-n-erosion shaped rock in the shape of a head
Picking blackberries along the trails with stained fingers
Just because I like taking pictures of fires...
Sampling El Bolson brewery´s creations. The most amazing, girly fruit beers ever! The cherry and raspberry were my favorites.
hey look it's your bear watch!